code Years of Experience

Has experience of working with Software Engineering since 2015.

certificate Bachelor of Science

Holds a Degree of Bachelor of Science in the Filed of Study: Computer and Systems Sciences, with Specialization: Computer Science and Software Engineering.


Quick overview of technologies that I have used professionally or studied.

All technologies and trademarks are properties of their owners. None of these brands are affiliated with Daniel H.

Programming lang:

  • C#
  • JavaScript
  • Java
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Erlang

JS Frameworks:

  • Meteor.JS
  • Node JS
  • Apache Corodva


  • MySQL
  • MongoDB
  • Filemaker Pro Advanced 12 and 13
  • Microsoft Access
  • TSQL


Daniel Holm is an experienced software developer, actively learning and has contributed professionally to software since 2015. Daniel is currently working full time as software developer for a Swedish software and consulting firm. Previously, during his studies in both high school and university he worked part-time (mainly his spare time and holidays) with various software projects for a Swedish school. He also actively participated as a tutoring assistant for programming classes during his time at university.

More About Daniel

Visit my GitLab, LinkedIn and Stack Overflow profiles to see projects that I have created and contributed to.

GitLab Gitlab logo , LinkedIn LinkedIn logo , Stack Overflow Stack Overflow logo